Got a Minute?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Iowa Youth Survey Lite for DFC Core Measures Training Registration Information

In August during the DFC Iowa Cluster Meeting in Des Moines, attendees talked about using the Iowa Youth Survey Interim, better known as Iowa Youth Survey Lite to gather data for the DFC Core Measures. During that meeting, Ron Mirr asked if we would like to have training that would enable us to administer the survey online (Survey Monkey is one site; Ron mentioned others). I have contacted Ron and he will be available to do this training/planning session on Monday, November 12, 9:30-3:30. Other issues around the administration of the survey, such as parent consent will be on the agenda. I have reserved a room at DMACC West Campus, 5959 Grand Avenue, West Des Moines. The room has capacity for only 30 participants (we’ll take the first 30 to register).

To register, email no later than November 7th with your name, email address, and organization. Lunch will be on our own. Box lunches, which includes a turkey or ham sandwich, chips, cole slaw and cookie or brownie, are available to be delivered to our site by Machine She at a cost of $7.00 per person. If you want a box lunch delivered for you, please indicate your preference for either turkey or ham when you register. I will not order a lunch for you unless you tell me you want one.

You will have many ideas for agenda items—please contact me with any item you need to have addressed during this day. Hopefully, as DFC program leaders we can leave the day with plans/consensus on how we will move forward with the surveying. Please also feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions for the day either by email or on my office phone: 712-366-0503. Looking forward to a full but rewarding day!